March MaDnESs at IMHS!
Check out all of the fun events we have planned for March at Mad Jack's Mountain Brewery!
::: March 4th - Puppy Fest!
::: March 14th - Chili & Cornbread Dinner ($10/plate) Purchase Tickets (Space is limited!)
::: March 17th - Silly Irish Game Day
::: March 24th - Bake Sale
::: March 28th - BINGO (Play for Fun!)
::: All Month Long - Silent Auction (items can be viewed and bid on at Mad Jack's)
Auction Items Include:
Rockies Tickets ::: Silver Teapot/Creamer Set ::: Two Elvis 45’s ::: Art ::: Carhart Vest + Socks ::: Motorcycle Statue ::: Two Gift Baskets
Don't forget to ask for the IMHS Beer! A portion of the proceeds will benefit IMHS!
A special thank you to Mad Jack's Mountain Brewery for partnering with IMHS for these events!