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Trails for Tails Hike-a-thon a BIG success!

IMHS wants to thank everyone who made this new event possible and a success. We look forward to doing this every year.

To Staunton State Park for being our co-host and to Park Ranger Lew for giving an informative presentation on the wilderness of Staunton as well as good reminders on keeping the park safe by keeping your dogs on their leash.

To our first time volunteer photographer David Tobias for spending the day making us look good! (Full album available on Facebook)

To our sponsors Petsafe, Kong, Kurgo and Bentgate for the awesome gear to give to our fundraisers and as door prizes and thanks too to the Conifer Starbucks for our coffee in the am! To Ellen Feller who schooled all of us on how to fundraise! To our hikers, volunteers and donors for getting the word out, and participating in both the fundraising and the event day. It was a lot of work but so worth it! Thanks for helping us raise over $6K!

To our leader Lindsey Marsh! See her profile on the VOTM section.

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