Recycling at IMHS

Thank you to all of the kind people in this community that have donated their aluminum cans to benefit our animals here at the shelter.
All of the cans have been turned in for money and we received almost $300 for the volume that was brought down to Iron and Metal Inc. off of Franklin Street in Denver. I have to shout out a big thank you to Tap Sittiseri for giving us a much better price per pound because we are a non-profit and I think he has a soft spot for animals. All of the workers at the scrap yard were very helpful with unloading and Raymond was patient with the newbie that brought the three loads down. The ladies in the office were wonderful and it was a very pleasant experience.
We can get money for aluminum pop and beer cans, aluminum cat and dog food cans, steel cans and tin foil and pie plates. Our only request is that you rinse the food items so we don't attract wildlife out in our trash cans as we store them to make up another load. If you can drop your bags near the back shed or at the office, the staff will take care of sorting materials.
We appreciate you so much and keep recycling!!