April and May Board meetings--important info!
Both April and May's board meetings will be held at the Elk Creek Fire station in Conifer.
Our May board meeting is always replaced by an annual gathering of the members where we do a year review of the previous year, talk about goals and what's coming up for this year and vote on issues, by-laws and new board members as a body. This is the one time a year where we ask the members to gather to show support, 'esprit de corps' and to rally the base. Think of it as an IMHS team building exercise or rally!
It is required that we have at least 10% of our members in attendance at the annual meeting so please plan on coming out. We try to make it fun and there will be food and drink and more socializing than a standard "meeting". We'll have a slide show of accomplishments and progress and animals rescued in 2016. We'll have membership purchases and renewals available as well as our logo wear to sell. We are not doing the raffle pull that night but you can buy your raffle tickets at the May meeting too.
So, we decided to move the April regular board meeting to the Elk Creek Fire station so we'll be fully prepped for the big May membership event.
Address of fire station: 11993 Blackfoot Rd, Conifer, CO 80433.
Same time as normal – 6:00 pm for each and as always, the 3rd Tuesday of the month. See you there!